free bitwig project files

Tag: house

  • detached


    This is “detached”, my third song.Very different than my first two releases to me. I love it.More uplifting and brighter, I’d say.And it’s my first release done with Bitwig instead of Ableton. Available on:YouTube VideoSpotifyYouTube MusicSoundCloudApple MusicDeezer And let me know how you like it.

  • momentum


    “momentum”, my second song, just got released!I love it. The style is pretty close to the first one and I like the driving momentum it has. And I love the spaceship on the cover. Available on:YouTube VideoSpotifyYouTube MusicSoundCloudApple MusicDeezer And let me know how you like it.

  • take off

    take off

    My first song got released!I’m happy with. Even after listening to it a million times.Give it a try. Available on:YouTube VideoSpotifyYouTube MusicSoundCloudApple MusicDeezerAnd a lot more And let me know how you like it.